Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dry Spell

  1. A short, indefinite period of time.
A dry spell is what I have been going through lately. Both kayaking and blog posts. It has been over a month since I have last been on the water. It has been much longer than that since I have added to this blog. Not that I haven't had good excuses, I have. We took a very nice long three week vacation. Before that we had weeks of getting ready for vacation. After we have been recovering from the vacation. Now with busy weekends and planned camping trips it looks like it will be a couple more weeks before the kayaks see water.

We are coming up on my favorite time of year for kayaking, Fall. The weather is cooling off, the waters are less crowded, and the colors are changing. Birds will start moving through on their way south. Cool and quiet, just the way I like it. Maybe I will even get to try out that new fly rod I bought on vacation.

Alas for now, dry spell continues.
But hey, I did get a blog post done!